Meet our first model, a conversion of the DRG E32 (Fleischmann) to Bavarian K.Bay.Sts.B. EP2 electrolok.
Apart from scrutiny we put into changing the colour to authentic Bavarian brown manufacturing some brass details and prepared all necessary decals; we performed some structural improvements. We changed buffers to brass ones, pantographs are much more detailed and better quality, we changed light to warm LED to ensure the brightness does not dim at low speeds (original lamps are included as spares).
Each comes in original packaging and has its own unique serial number. We hope those lucky to get some of these will enjoy them.
Dear Helmuth, thank you for your kind words and for being with us for so long. I will email you directly, would be great to see beer wagon photos. Alexander and the team of Attic de Papa
… wir kennen uns schon länger – habe damals 2 dieser tollen Lok-Umbauten von Dir/Euch bekommen können – freut mich heute noch das ich diese “ergattern” konnte !
Was ist derzeit von Dir zu bekommen bzw. was willst Du als nächstes machen ?
Ich für meinen Teil bin ja auch in Epo I+II tätig : Bayrische Bierwagen etc.
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In neugieriger Erwartung einer Rückantwort/Info von Euch HelmutH